• Lukman Asha


The Anak Dalam tribe is often called the Kubu people. In general, their society with primitive life has no religion. In fact they have a belief that is Islam, and they live like the surrounding community. They know electronics, marriage customs, education and clothing like other people. As for the main problem in this paper is how the aqeedah, syariah, and the morals of the Anak Dalam Tribe. this paper is sourced from the results of field writing with a qualitative descriptive approach. The subject matter was the Head of the Village, the Customary Chairperson, the Imam, the Chairperson of the Study of Mothers, Community Leaders, youth leaders. Data taken in the form of primary data and secondary data, data sources from respondents and informants. While data processing techniques from the results of interviews, observations, and documentation Then the data processing techniques, using data reduction and display or data presentation. and for interpretation of data by interpreting in the form of description. Writing results related to aqeedah, shariah and morals are still low, they neglect worship of God. They are more concerned with the needs of the world than the needs of the afterlife. They still eat and enjoy something that is forbidden by Islam, religious facilities such as mosques have not been maximally used some of their morals are good, they are very concerned with fellow Tribes and the surrounding community.


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How to Cite
Asha, L. (2020). PEMAHAMAN AGAMA ISLAM PADA SUKU ANAK DALAM. Prodising ISID, 1(1), 131-146.