The Legitimacy of The Sale and Purchase Contract of Sacrificial Animals in Curup Community

Dedi, Syahrial and Lendrawati, Lendrawati (2021) The Legitimacy of The Sale and Purchase Contract of Sacrificial Animals in Curup Community. Jurnal Adabiyah, 21 (2). pp. 342-364. ISSN 2548-7744

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This research is triggered from the qurban committee in Curup community to collect funds from the qurban participants by fixing the price of animals. The payment can be all at once and can also be paid in installments every month. This means buying and selling, even though the animals do not exist yet. After the money was collected and it was close to the sacrifice day, the committee went looking for an animal and then bought it. The role of the committee that made the sale and purchase contract was not the owner of the money. There is also buying and selling through brokers, who are not animal owners. Therefore, the main issue in this research concerns the validity of the contract for the sale and purchase of that qurban animals. This is a field research with qualitative approach. This study concluded that the implementation of the contract in muamalah transactions is elastic, especially in the oral form of al-ahwal. This is strongly influenced by the local community customs based on the rule of al-’adah muhakkamah.

Item Type: Article
Lendrawati, LendrawatiUNSPECIFIED
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HJ Public Finance
Divisions: Fakultas Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam > Ekonomi Syariah
Depositing User: Administrator Repository
Date Deposited: 12 Jan 2023 04:08
Last Modified: 12 Jan 2023 04:08

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