Pelaksanaan Layanan Bimbingan Konseling Terhadap Penanganan Kenakalan Siswa di SMPN 19 Rejang Lebong

Elawati, Susila and Kardina, Nina and Rizal, Syamsul and Fadila, Fadila (2023) Pelaksanaan Layanan Bimbingan Konseling Terhadap Penanganan Kenakalan Siswa di SMPN 19 Rejang Lebong. Jurnal Muhafadzah: Jurnal Ilmiah Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam, 3 (1). pp. 26-36. ISSN p-ISSN: 2827-8011, e-ISSN: 2775-1112

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This study aims to find out about the implementation of counseling guidance services for handling student delinquency at SMPN 19 Rejang Lebong. The research method used by the author is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach, namely by collecting data as it is from a symptom of a phenomenon that existed when the study was carried out. The data and data sources in this study are principals, Guidance and Counseling teachers and class IX (9) students totaling 30 students, through survey techniques. The research instruments used in this study are documentation, interviews and observations. Interviews were conducted with the principal and guidance and counseling teachers and observations were conducted by observing the state of the school environment and the existence of the school. Data analysis techniques are carried out by collecting data, grouping data, analyzing data and interpreting data that will be concluded into research results. The conclusion of this study is that the Analysis of Student Delinquency and Its Implications for Guidance and Counseling Services at SMPN 19 Rejang Lebong in the category is quite good.

Item Type: Article
Elawati, SusilaUNSPECIFIED
Uncontrolled Keywords: Student Delinquency, Guidance Service
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah > Bimbingan Konseling Islam
Depositing User: Administrator Repository
Date Deposited: 06 May 2023 15:01
Last Modified: 06 May 2023 15:01

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