The Characteristic of Popular Schools Madhab Change And Renewal in the Islamic World Karakteristik Perubahan dan Pembaharuan Madhhab Populer di Dunia Islam

Kamaluddin, Safrudin Halimy and Saharuddin, Desmadi and Fatarib, Husunul and Hayati, Ilda (2021) The Characteristic of Popular Schools Madhab Change And Renewal in the Islamic World Karakteristik Perubahan dan Pembaharuan Madhhab Populer di Dunia Islam. Al-'Adalah: Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum Islam, 6 (2). pp. 316-335. ISSN e - ISSN : 2503 - 1 473

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In this paper, we will explain the meaning of the schools, the background and early history of the emergence of the schools in fiqh, specifically on the four schools, namely the Hanafi School, the Maliki School, the Shafi'i School, and the Hanbali School, and several other things related to these four schools. and explanations of other schools of thought besides the four schools, as well as examples of cases of fiqh problems in these schools. The author conducted a literature study and a descriptive approach to analyze the differences in these schools' characteristics and the backgrounds of the causes of the differences and found that the oldest school, the Hanafi school, is known as Ahlurra'yi. Imam Abu Hanifah is known as Ahlurra'yi because he took the law based on the Al-Qur'an, the Sunnah of the Prophet, Ijma ', Qiyas he also used Al-Istihsan, Maslahah Mursalah. Meanwhile, the Maliki School was known as Ahlul Hadith because his residence influenced it in Medina. in taking his law, he relied on Allah's book for the first time, then on Assunah. But he put the practice of Medina's people ahead of the Hadith on Sunday if it proved to be contradictory. Because he believed that Medina's inhabitants inherited what they practiced from their ulama 'salaf, and their ulama' salaf inherited from friends, it is stronger than the Ahad hadith. The Shafii schools are known as Ahlu Hadiths and Ahlurro'yi. Meanwhile, Mahab Hanbali is known as Ahlu al-Hadith, which adheres to the Sunnah alone without any Ta'wil. Imam Ahmad is famous for Ahlul Hadith because, in his day, he met the Imams of the Great Hadiths, including Al-Bukhari and Muslims. So the characteristics of each Madzhab priest are different; the environment and scientific background influence this.

Item Type: Article
Kamaluddin, Safrudin HalimyUNSPECIFIED
Saharuddin, DesmadiUNSPECIFIED
Fatarib, HusunulUNSPECIFIED
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BL Religion
L Education > L Education (General)
Depositing User: Administrator Repository
Date Deposited: 13 Jun 2023 03:05
Last Modified: 19 Jun 2023 02:00

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