The role of reality counseling to improve students' responsibility in thesis completion procrastination
Reality Counseling; Procrastination and ThesisAbstract
This study wanted to find out about reality counseling in increasing procrastination in completing the thesis of IAIN Curup students because there were 46 students from the Class of 2015 (semester XIV) registered as active students and had not finished their thesis and they almost doup out. From the results of processing the questionnaire the causes of procrastination were due to a lack of student responsibility, online thesis guidance was constrained by the difficulty of contacting supervisors during the Covid 19 period, weak internet network at home, lack of understanding of thesis assignments due to online seminars, and being bored at home due to the condition of Covid 19. The grounded theory approach is applied to produce theories related to these problems. The participants consisted of 46 XIV semester students who experienced procrastination in completing their thesis spread across 6 study programs at IAIN Curup. The collected data were analyzed based on three stages of grounded analysis, namely open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. The research results show: first, the highest cause was 97.1% anxiety of not being able to complete the thesis on time, 74.3% estimated that it did not match reality, and 62.9% found it difficult to find a supervisor for thesis guidance; second, completion of thesis in reality counseling went through fostering awareness of responsibility within and beyond the client's self, planning concrete steps with measurable stages of implementation, carrying out decisions with responsibility and assessing results in accordance with the commitments decided in counseling.
Keywords: Reality Counseling; Procrastination and Thesis
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