Items where Subject is "H Social Sciences > HJ Public Finance"

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Number of items at this level: 11.


Dedi, Syahrial and Lendrawati, Lendrawati (2021) The Legitimacy of The Sale and Purchase Contract of Sacrificial Animals in Curup Community. Jurnal Adabiyah, 21 (2). pp. 342-364. ISSN 2548-7744

Istan, Muhammad (2022) Analysis of Mosque Financial Management in the Development of Mosque Funds in Indonesia. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU), 09 (12). ISSN 2364-5369

Istan, Muhammad (2022) Changes In Financial Management Behavior Of The Millennial Generation As An Implication Of The Rising Of The Covid-19 Pandemic In Indonesia. The Seybold Report, 17 (11). pp. 1126-1171. ISSN 1533-9211

Istan, Muhammad (2021) Pengaruh kebijakan perusahaan terhadap nilai perusahaan. Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Keuangan, 4 (2). ISSN 2622-2205

Istan, Muhammad (2019) Political Patronage on Capital Structure in Indonesia. Journal of Finance and Banking Review, 4 (3). pp. 89-97. ISSN 0128-3103

Istan, Muhammad and Ghoni, Muhammad Abdul (2021) Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Syariah Dengan Metode RGEC. Jurnal Iqtisaduna, 7 (1). ISSN 2550-0295

Permatalia, Riska and Istan, Muhammad (2020) Analisis Pengaruh Penerbitan Sukuk terhadap Abnormal Return Perusahaan di Indonesia. Jurnal Akuntansi, Ekonomi dan Manajemen Bisnis (JAEMB), 8 (2). pp. 222-231. ISSN 2548-9836


Istan, Muhammad (2017) Efektivitas Implementasi Dana Desa Tahun 2015-2016 Di Desa Air Meles Bawah Kecamatan Curup Timur. Technical Report. P3M STAIN CURUP.

Istan, Muhammad Pengaruh Debt To Asset Ratio (Dar) Dan Debt To Equity Ratio (Der) Terhadap Return On Equity (Roe) Dengan Sokongan Politik Sebagai Variabel Interveining. Technical Report. Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup. (Unpublished)


Pires, Alexander (2021) Managemen Pemasaran Bank. Yayasan Corolla Education Centre, Perumahan Dusun Curup Estate, Blok E No. 25 Curup Utara, Rejang Lebong, Provinsi Bengkulu. ISBN 978-623-96548-1-8

Teaching Resource

Lukasta, Raja Agus (2024) Modul Praktikum Bank Mini (Analis Pembiayaan). [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

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