Increasing Student Understanding of Islamic Education through the Application of Contextual Learning in the Effort to Proving an Understanding of the Radicalism Dangers in Senior High School

Kusen, Kusen and Hidayat, Rahmad and Yanto, Murni and Fathurrochman, Irwan and Suhermanto, Hadi (2020) Increasing Student Understanding of Islamic Education through the Application of Contextual Learning in the Effort to Proving an Understanding of the Radicalism Dangers in Senior High School. Talent Development & Excellence, 12 (1). pp. 5401-5415. ISSN 5401-5415

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This study aims to analyze the existence of local culture and its contribution to providing an understanding of radicalism to people Rejang lebong, Bengkulu Indonesia. Many people have listened to Radical words, and radicalism word is no stranger to hearing. The word is inseparable from the Islam world, and there is a group of hardliners bombing in the territory of Indonesia, such as the Bali bomb incident, and burning the flag of monotheism. This research uses a qualitative approach with data collection, including observation, interview, and documentation. The data has been collected is analyzed using the Miles and Huberman steps, namely: data reduction, data display, and conclusions. Based on results to show that the educator’s religion must innovate of giving information process to the people Rejang Lebong. The radical understanding can penetrate the people, respond to that all people need to be careful and selective in understanding these actions in giving information through the local culture approach to the people Rejang Lebong Bengkulu Indonesia so that radical understanding can be prevented. Then the subject material of Islamic Education needs to be analyzed. This subject's material is not enough to give the people a tolerance, moderate and harmonious attitude. So, it provides a spirit of jihad physically through deepening Islamic correctly and supported by the local culture approach. By understanding an Islamic value, it has a positive impact on the people and will provide a true understanding of radicalism hazards

Item Type: Article
Suhermanto, HadiUNSPECIFIED
Uncontrolled Keywords: Local Culture, Radicalism, Islamic Education
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB2300 Higher Education
Depositing User: Users 11 not found.
Date Deposited: 11 May 2022 04:04
Last Modified: 03 May 2023 08:47

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