Items where Author is "Ristianti, Dina Hajja"

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Number of items: 26.


Damayanti, Fitria and Sianturi, Novdin M and Damayanto, Antono and Bangkara, B.M.A.S. Anaconda and Ristianti, Dina Hajja (2023) The Excellence of Lecturer HR in Increasing Competition In Research-Based Higher Education Services. Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education, 4 (1). pp. 37-57. ISSN 2723-4975

Ristianti, Dina Hajja (2023) Group Dynamics in Multicultural Group Counseling. International Journal of Educational, 5 (1). pp. 31-37. ISSN E-ISSN 2685-709X and P-ISSN 2685-905X

Ristianti, Dina Hajja (2023) The Positive Impact of Group Counseling for the Management of the Islamic Youth Mosque Organization. Scaffolding: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme, 5 (2). pp. 385-396. ISSN E-ISSN: 2656-4491; P-ISSN: 2656-4548

Ristianti, Dina Hajja (2023) The Self-Esteem of Generation Z As Leaders: A Study on The Student Council Board for the 2022/2023 School Year at SMA 1 Rejang Lebong. JMKSP (Jurnal Manajemen, Kepemimpinan, dan Supervisi Pendidikan), 8 (1). pp. 344-350. ISSN E-ISSN 2614-8021 and P-ISSN 2548-7094.

Ristianti, Dina Hajja (2022) Implementasi Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling di Dunia Kerja. Attractive : Innovative Education Journal, 4 (3). pp. 481-485. ISSN 2685-6085

Ristianti, Dina Hajja (2022) Keterampilan Mahasiwa Membaca Bahan Perkuliahan di Era Digital. Attractive : Innovative Education Journal, 4 (3). pp. 293-298. ISSN 2685-6085

Tang S, Muh and Zulkifli, Zulkifli and Bangkara, B.M.A.S. Anaconda and Maryam, Maryam and Ristianti, Dina Hajja (2022) Exploration of Technology Transformation-Based Learning Experiences and Higher Education Leadership. Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education, 3 (2). pp. 181-197. ISSN ISSN: 2723-4975)

Ristianti, Dina Hajja and Azwar, Beni and Fathurrochman, Irwan and Nurjannah, Nurjannah (2022) Collaboration of Academic Advisor with Counseling Laboratories and its effect on the Students’ Learning Readiness. Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan, 14 (1). pp. 833-840. ISSN ISSN: 2087-9490 EISSN: 2597-940X

Apriani, Eka and Ristianti, Dina Hajja and Hidayah, Jumatul and Rizal, Syamsul and Supardan, Dadan (2022) Assistance Efforts for Students With High Poverty and Crime Rates Through Free Tutoring and Personal Social Counseling Services (RPS). International Conference on University-Community Engagement (ICON-UCE), 4 (2). pp. 215-223.

Apriani, Eka and Ristianti, Dina Hajja and Hidayah, Jumatul and Rizal, Syamsul and Supardan, Dadan (2022) Assistance Efforts for Students with High Poverty and Crime Rates Through Free Tutoringand Personal Social Counseling Services (RPS). The 4th International Conference on University Community Engagement, 4. pp. 215-223.

Ristianti, Dina Hajja and Azwar, Beni and Fathurrochman, Irwan and Nurjannah, Nurjannah (2022) Collaboration of Academic Advisor with Counseling Laboratories and its effect on the Students’ Learning Readiness. AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan, 14 (1). pp. 833-840. ISSN 2597-940X

Yunani, Afrika and Ristianti, Dina Hajja and Hamengkubuwono, Hamengkubuwono (2022) Komparasi Kematangan Pilihan Karir Siswa Ditinjau Dari Jenis Kelamin, Kelas dan Jurusan Pada SMK Negeri 3 Rejang Lebong. Al Qalam: Jurnal Ilmiah Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan, 16 (6). pp. 2186-2193. ISSN Print ISSN : 1907-4174 Online ISSN : 2621-0681

Ristianti, Dina Hajja (2022) Kompetensi Digital Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling di Abad 21. Bulletin of Counseling and Psychotherapy, IV (2). pp. 497-502. ISSN 2656-1050

Ristianti, Dina Hajja (2022) Online Counseling as a Service in College: A Generation Z Perspective. JMKSP (Jurnal Manajemen, Kepemimpinan, dan Supervisi Pendidikan), 7 (2). pp. 798-808. ISSN E-ISSN 2614-8021 and P-ISSN 2548-7094

Fathurrochman, Irwan and Danim, Sudarwan and Anwar AB, Syaiful and Kurniah, Nina and Ristianti, Dina Hajja (2021) Theoretical Review of the Implementation Islamic Boarding School Curriculum Management in Indonesia. International Journal of Education Research and Development (IJERD), 1 (1). pp. 1-15.

Eva, Eva and Yusro, Ngadri and Ristianti, Dina Hajja and Kusen, Kusen and Fathurrochman, Irwan (2020) Eksistensi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Pembentukan Karakter Peduli Lingkungan Peserta Didik. JOEAI:Journal of Education and Instruction, 3 (2). pp. 172-178. ISSN 2620-7346

Fathurrochman, Irwan and Ristianti, Dina Hajja and Mohamed Arif, bin Mohamad Aziz Shah (2020) Revitalization of islamic boarding school management to foster the spirit of islamic moderation on Indonesia. Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 8 (2). pp. 239-258. ISSN 2356-3877

Fathurrochman, Irwan and Hariani, Densi and Hamengkubuwono, Hamengkubuwono and Arsil, Arsil and Muhammad, Amin and Ristianti, Dina Hajja (2020) The Development of Student Academic Administration Services in Higher Education. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (8). pp. 4764-4771. ISSN 1475-7192

Ristianti, Dina Hajja and Putrajaya, Guntur and Fathurrochman, Irwan (2020) Organizational behavior management through group counseling discussions as a radicalism preventive effort. Jurnal Konseling dan Pendidikan (JKP), 8 (1). pp. 23-32. ISSN 2337-6880

Istan, Muhammad and Apriani, Eka and Fathurrochman, Irwan and Ristianti, Dina Hajja and Hamengkubuwono, Hamengkubuwono (2020) The Effect of Academic Portal Use of Lecturer’s Performance. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 9 (3). pp. 305-310. ISSN 2278-3075

Heryanto, Lezy and Amda, Ahmad Dibul and Ristianti, Dina Hajja (2020) Kreativitas Guru Fiqih dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Belajar Siswa. Andragogi: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 2 (2). pp. 244-261. ISSN 2716-0971

Ristianti, Dina Hajja and Ratnawati, Ratnawati and Ismaya, Nada (2020) Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Islam Dalam Tradisi Kendurei Dulang PAT. Andragogi: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 2 (3). pp. 80-98. ISSN 2716-0971

Ristianti, Dina Hajja and Danim, Sudarwan and Winarto, Hadi and Dharmayana, I Wayan (2019) The Development Of Group Counselling Assessment Instruments. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 8 (10). ISSN 2277-8616

Conference or Workshop Item

Fathurrochman, Irwan and Danim, Sudarwan and Ab Anwar, Syaiful and Kurniah, Nina and Connie, Connie and Wachidi, Wachidi and Ristianti, Dina Hajja (2021) Analisis sistem Pendidikan Negara Federasi Rusia Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Indonesia. In: PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENDIDIKAN PROGRAM PASCASARJANA UNIVERSITAS PGRI PALEMBANG, 15-16 Januari 2021, Palembang.


Ristianti, Dina Hajja and Fathurrochman, Irwan (2020) Penilaian Konseling Kelompok. Deepublish, Yogyakarta.

Ristianti, Dina Hajja (2018) PSIKOLOGI LINTAS BUDAYA. Zaky Press - Padang, Padang. ISBN 978-602-8772-95-2

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